Introducing one-month subscriptions for Naview

We have just released an update to Naview with several improvements. You can now subscribe for one month only, and we also have a special offer for new customers! Read the full post for details.

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Create easier navigations using Naview – Sign up for Early Access now

Naview helps you to design and build navigation prototypes quickly and test the usability of your navigation with users. It is made specifically for user experience and information architects, business analysts and web designers who design large website structures. We have been working hard on a new version of Naview and the beta is finally out! Read the full post for more.

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17 guidelines for better information architecture…from 1991

Kent L. Norman published an interesting book titled “The Psychology of Menu Selection: Designing Cognitive Control at the Human/Computer Interface” almost two decades ago. This post lists some the menu design guidelines provided in the book, adapted for information architects to use with today’s websites.

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Design detail: An easier music video directory

We helped redesign an online service called Dancentral, “the ultimate dance music video directory.” See the full post for ‘before’ and ‘after’ screenshots and further details.

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Naview: Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping

Naview is a new navigation preview tool for rapid information architecture prototyping. It helps information architects design and visualise a new navigational structure and aims to bridge the gap between card sorting and IA user testing. Read the full post for more.

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